Sunday, 16 July 2017

Forex online software

Bem-vindo ao FOREX trading SEU NENHUM RESSOURCE 1 PARA COMPARAR O CORRETOR MAIS GRANDE DE FX MUNDIAL Há hundrets do corretor FOREX para fora lá. Mas apenas alguns são confiáveis ​​suficiente para entrar em nossa tabela de comparação. Por que você deve dar o seu dinheiro para outros bancos do que o melhor Ou você ama o risco de perder seus fundos O que é Forex trading Forex, também conhecido como mercado de câmbio ou FX é a forma curta do mercado de câmbio. Este mercado é descentralizado globalmente para facilitar o comércio entre diferentes moedas. Se medido pelo volume de negociação líquida, é o maior mercado do mundo. Grandes bancos internacionais são os principais participantes deste mercado. A atividade de negociação ocorre nos dias de semana com vários centros financeiros globalmente que atuam como âncoras de permitir a negociação entre vários vendedores e compradores. As taxas relativas de várias moedas são determinadas pelo mercado de câmbio. É Forex trading um investimento Mesmo não é a maneira clássica de investir, Forex Treding é uma das formas mais rentáveis ​​para investir dinheiro. Comece hoje a aprender Forex trading trading Embora Forex trading é muito diferente de outros tipos passivos de investimentos como imobiliário, fundos mútuos ou títulos, mas é uma forma muito popular de investimento para um grande número de pessoas em todo o mundo. Há uma série de fatores que um investidor deve considerar antes de decidir sobre um tipo de investimento que é mais susceptível de resultar em maiores retornos. Um desses fatores que podem fazer ou quebrar um negócio para um potencial investidor é a liquidez dos ativos concedidos pelo investimento dado. Liquidez é um aspecto muito importante para qualquer pessoa que quer ser ativamente envolvido para explorar todas as oportunidades possíveis, que incluem oportunidades de investimento de curto prazo. É um fato bem conhecido que nenhum outro mercado pode competir com forex quando se trata de liquidez, pois há transações para cima de 3 trilhões de dólares que ocorrem todos os dias. Forex permite uma grande flexibilidade e liberdade para o investidor como eles são capazes de fazer um lucro em ambas as direções do valor da segurança em que as transações são baseadas. Outro argumento a favor do Forex como um investimento é a facilidade de acesso e controle que é incomparável por qualquer outra forma de investimento. Os investidores têm a capacidade de examinar e operar seus investimentos Forex de qualquer país do mundo através da Internet. A revolução dos smartphones e dispositivos inteligentes permitiu que a negociação fosse baseada em aplicativos, de modo que os usuários pudessem entrar no comércio usando o telefone na palma da mão. Posso obter um milionário por forex trading Você quer saber, se há uma maneira de obter um milionário por negociação com forex A resposta curta: sim, isso poderia acontecer. Obter Forex millionaire Depois de entender o básico e entrar em sintonia com as estratégias ideais, Forex pode se tornar um dos métodos mais rentáveis ​​de ganhar dinheiro. Devido à penetração global, existem inúmeras oportunidades e um enorme espaço para grandes margens de lucro que permitiu inúmeras pessoas para se tornar milionários por negociação no mercado cambial. Ao definir claramente a sua estratégia de investimento e lidar apenas com pares de moedas selecionadas que estão dentro de sua base de conhecimento, você pode facilmente iniciar uma carreira de investimento bem sucedido em Forex trading e estar no seu caminho para se tornar um milionário. Para realizar o sonho de milhões de dólares, é importante para você como um investidor para sempre furar a seu plano de negociação bem formulado e minimizar os níveis de risco, tanto quanto possível. É de suma importância ter conhecimento aprofundado do mercado de forex e seu funcionamento interno. É importante perceber que este é um negócio como qualquer outro e exige trabalho duro, paciência e dedicação para crescer e prosperar. Ao tomar as decisões certas e gerenciar suas emoções corretamente, você pode começar a fazer uma quantidade respeitável de dinheiro em uma base regular. É inevitável que você terá que enfrentar o fracasso e as perdas algumas vezes, mas é necessário aprender com esses erros e continuar tentando até que você tenha sucesso. O mundo da negociação Forex está cheio de pessoas notáveis ​​que são bem conhecidos em todo o mundo para o sucesso e resultados esmagadora que eles conseguiram. Forex trading para iniciantes Ser um novato no mercado forex pode ser uma experiência muito assustador devido à complexidade e ritmo rápido natureza das flutuações monetárias e mudanças no mercado. Portanto, é necessário para um iniciante estar familiarizado com todas as terminologias e estratégias de comércio para evitar comércios de alto risco e as perdas associadas com eles. Horário de mercado para o mercado Forex Forex está operacional quase em torno do relógio. Mas você pode negociar no sábado ou domingo? Estas perguntas são feitas por muitos novatos, então aqui está a resposta. Horas de mercado de Forex Horas de mercado são definidas como o tempo em que os comerciantes podem comprar, vender e trocar moedas. O mercado forex está operacional 24 horas, de segunda a sexta-feira. O mercado permanece fechado nos dias de semana assim que negociar em sábados e em domingos não é possível. O mercado funciona internacionalmente e é composto por bancos, hedge funds, empresas comerciais, investidores e corretores de forex de varejo que operam em vários fusos horários. Devido à sua natureza internacional e vários fusos horários envolvidos, o mercado é acessível em praticamente qualquer momento. Como o forex não é dominado por nenhum mercado único, mas é composto por uma rede global, suas horas de mercado são a soma de horas operacionais em cada país participante. O maior volume de atividade de negociação ocorre quando os tempos de mercado nesses países se sobrepõem. 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM EST Taxas de Câmbio Forex A taxa de câmbio de uma determinada moeda é definida como o valor / valor da moeda estrangeira que pode ser comprado com essa moeda. Em outras palavras, é a taxa na qual a moeda pode ser trocada por outra moeda. As taxas de câmbio operam em regime de flutuação livre e as moedas de valor podem variar entre si com base nas características de oferta e demanda do mercado. Devido a isso, as taxas de câmbio de todas as moedas mudam constantemente e dependem de um grande número de fatores e condições que podem ser de natureza econômica, social, política ou mesmo psicológica. Como um comerciante forex, você pode ganhar dinheiro utilizando esta flutuação em taxas de câmbio em seu favor. Os traders compram uma moeda quando seu valor relativo é baixo no mercado cambial e vendem-no quando o valor aumenta. A diferença no preço de compra e venda da moeda resulta em lucros para o comerciante. Ao estudar cuidadosamente as tendências do mercado com base em dados estatísticos e experiências passadas, uma previsão justa pode ser feita sobre a mudança de valor de uma determinada moeda ao longo do tempo e você pode usar esse conhecimento para colocar bem informado e educado apostas em uma determinada moeda para fazer lucros . Cuidadosa formulação de estratégias de negociação e seguir conselhos de especialistas podem ajudá-lo a começar a fazer lucros no mercado cambial em nenhum momento. Combinações freqüentemente negociadas Você pode negociar cada par de moeda que você gosta. Mas alguns oft as combinações de Forex são negociadas muito pesado. Neste mercado você encontrará compradores em milissegundos. Combinações Forex mais negociadas Embora os comerciantes tenham a capacidade de negociar em um grande número de moedas globais, alguns pares de moedas são negociados no maior volume. Vamos dar uma olhada em alguns dos pares de moedas mais negociados e examinar o motivo de sua popularidade generalizada. EUR / USD (Euro / US Dollars) Este é o par de moedas mais popular em todo o mundo devido à superioridade econômica e estabilidade das economias dos EUA e da Europa. Ele representa um terço de todos os negócios feitos no mercado forex. Este é o segundo par de moedas mais negociado e tem sido altamente sensível aos sentimentos políticos e políticas entre os Estados Unidos da América e países do Extremo Oriente, como o Japão. GBP / USD (Libra da Grã-Bretanha / US Dollars) Novamente, devido à força econômica dos EUA e Grã-Bretanha, este par é bastante popular. USD / CAD (US Dólares / Dólares Canadenses) Embora seja quarto na lista, é favorecido devido à estabilidade destas duas moedas e relações positivas entre as duas nações. O franco suíço é considerado uma das moedas mais seguras e seu emparelhamento com o dólar dos EUA resulta em sua popularidade. AUD / USD (Dólar Australiano / Dólar Americano) Ambas as moedas são relativamente estáveis ​​e apoiadas pelas principais potências mundiais. Calendário econômico Waht está acontecendo hoje ou amanhã na economia nacional principal O conhecimento sobre como obter novos dados sobre o que poderia acontecer no mercado vale dinheiro Forex calendário econômico Para garantir um bom grau de sucesso na negociação forex, é necessário prever o movimento do mercado e Agir sobre esta informação em tempo hábil. Embora haja um alto grau de flutuação imprevisível no mercado, os comerciantes experientes e altamente experientes continuamente analisa vários eventos econômicos para prever movimentos de moeda e mudanças de mercado. Usar um calendário econômico é uma da maneira a mais fácil proseguir com as várias mudanças no mercado e fazer as apostas do baixo-risco que têm uma mudança elevada do retorno econômico positivo. Você pode criar seu próprio calendário econômico minha manutenção manual de uma lista dos principais indicadores e atualizá-los regularmente através de pesquisa on-line. Você pode até mesmo usar calendários on-line que são fornecidos por várias instituições financeiras e corretores que atualizar as informações automaticamente para você analisar e usar. Sinais de Forex Sinais de Forex são necessários para bons negócios. Estes sinais são necessários por quase todos, que está negociando neste mercado. Existem alguns bons serviços de alerta. Estratégias de negociação Forex Há uma série de truques e estratégias usadas por pessoas, a fim de tentar ter sucesso na área de forex. Enquanto a negociação forex é algo que não pode ser aprendido de coração ou ser completamente seguro, mas existem estratégias de negociação que foram desenvolvidos e testados ao longo dos anos por especialistas para se tornar bem sucedido dependendo de diferentes fatores, como o uso técnico de gráficos, números e confiando Entendendo o mercado de acordo com os eventos atualmente. Enquanto algumas das estratégias são bastante famosas e são usadas amplamente outras são usadas apenas por um pequeno número de comerciantes, as estratégias podem variar em sua complexidade, dependendo dos níveis de etapas e sua aplicação. Uma estratégia é sempre importante para você ser bem sucedido em seus esforços forex. Por que a estratégia é importante e como isso afeta os comerciantes no mundo do forex é discutido mais adiante nas sub-seções. Uma estratégia bem planejada com boa orientação é tudo o que você precisa para mudar o seu futuro e uma estratégia mal planejada também pode ter efeitos devastadores iguais. Estratégias de negociação faz vencedores Muitos novatos começam forex trading sem qualquer idéia de um strategie. Este é um pescoço quebrando técnica e vai fazer você perder dinheiro em longo prazo. Estratégias são como o ar que você respira Qual notícia tem um impacto sobre as taxas de câmbio E qual o caminho que eles vão, quando eles saem Esta é a questão das datas de notícias com base em comerciantes de Forex. Leia mais sobre isso. Estratégias de base política GUERRA O que é bom para Absolutamente NADA. - Edwin Star não sabia, que a negociação de declarações políticas poderia ser uma vitória para os comerciantes SHORT. Mas: nem todo mundo quer trocar eventos como este. Políticas baseado Forex trading Diferentes declarações políticas em todo o mundo pode afetar o mercado de negociação forex. Enquanto alguns usuários amadores são completamente dependentes de gráficos econômicos e notícias para tomar decisões e por outro lado os comerciantes de forex experientes olhar para fora para as declarações políticas e ajustar os seus ofícios em conformidade com o impacto. Os comerciantes podem acompanhar a análise de mercado juntamente com calendários econômicos e implicar o uso de notícias e tendências políticas para determinar quaisquer mudanças no mercado e estar no lado vencedor melhor. Vários anúncios importantes, tais como relativos a guerras, política de um país ou notícias relacionadas diretamente com a moeda pode mudar e influenciar o valor das moedas dependendo do impacto da decisão sobre o público ou a nação como um todo eo emparelhamento monetário relacionado. Com manter atualizado constantemente e seguindo as fontes certas para a análise e os calendários econômicos você pode fazer cedo e beneficiário decisões o mais cedo possível para o mais melhor ganho. Estratégias econômicas baseadas Qual é a saída de uma economia E como ela vai mudar em comparação com outros países Uma mudança de médio ou longo prazo na competitividade de um país pode ser tradet como uma parte da empresa. Economical based Forex trading Pode haver diferentes aspectos da negociação e em pessoas de negociação forex pode optar por comprar a moeda de um país por um período de tempo após o qual ele será comprado de volta em taxas superiores ao original. Isso pode ser simplesmente considerado como empréstimo de dinheiro e vem através de acordos de recompra conhecido como repo. O credor do dinheiro é o comprador de um repo eo vendedor é o mutuário do dinheiro. Em dias anteriores a quantidade de ouro disponível com um país declarou a solvabilidade do país e mais e mais países mantiveram açambarcamento de ouro, a fim de aumentar o seu valor monetário, mas agora que mudou ea estrutura eo funcionamento do banco central de qualquer país pode ser Usado para determinar o futuro para sua moeda em certa medida. Se o banco central é forte e não impulsionado por dívidas, em seguida, a moeda é provável que prossiga se o país é apoiado por recursos para a renda. Esta é uma combinação de algumas táticas mais Forex. O básico é encontrar alguns indicadores em economia real, para tentar explicar o que acontece no futuro. É um país subestimado Análise Fundamental Forex Análise fundamental é uma combinação de duas palavras que significam estudar a posição econômica e dignidade de crédito dos países para que os comerciantes podem obter ajuda na negociação de moedas de forma eficiente. Análise fundamental é muitas vezes usado nos mercados de negociação forex por diferentes comerciantes usando várias tecnologias para beneficiá-los de várias maneiras. A análise fundamental é basicamente medir o impacto das decisões políticas, bem como econômicas tomadas pelo país eo impacto dessas decisões sobre a moeda em que você está negociando. Os números e declarações dadas por políticos, bem como economistas em seus discursos ou declarações ao público são muito importantes, pois pode facilmente determinar o impacto sobre a moeda eo mercado cambial. Os comerciantes têm estratégias para tais anúncios econômicos esp. Pelos Estados Unidos antes da sua declaração e estar preparado para o impacto. Forex Technology Há uma série de tecnologias de negociação forex, enquanto algumas dessas tecnologias de negociação fornecido por grandes empresas como FOREXTrader Pro, que é uma plataforma desenvolvida de acordo com os comerciantes forex com funções de qualidade que pode ser realizada facilmente juntamente com dar alto desempenho. FOREXTrader PRO está disponível no desktop para desktops, bem como smartphones tanto para a Apple, bem como versões Android. MetaTrader 4 é outra plataforma de negociação que os comerciantes usam muito frequentemente devido à sua transparência e outras características, enquanto há outras plataformas também disponíveis, dependendo das regiões como a GTX Forex ECN, que é uma boa plataforma para comerciantes forex profissionais. Embora a maioria dos sites comerciais oferecem essas plataformas de negociação e tecnologias que os usuários podem usar para a negociação, as pessoas também podem optar por comprar esses softwares para si e construiu plataformas de negociação para si ou para outros clientes. Você pode optar por ser um comerciante on-line nos sites no caso de você ter menor quantidade de dinheiro para começar ou ser um corretor no caso de você ter amplo montante de poupança. Plataformas de negociação on-line Quase todos os bancos de Forex fornecem uma plataforma on-line para negociar moedas estrangeiras. É a maneira mais fácil de começar com a negociação. Mas para scalping não é a melhor maneira. Online plataformas de negociação Forex plataformas de negociação on-line são fornecidos por uma série de sites, eles podem fornecer os comerciantes com plug ins e software para instalação que se tornará ativo em estar conectado à internet, enquanto em outras plataformas de negociação é relativamente diferente como todos os Trading charts e plataformas operam a partir dos servidores do site. Diferentes sites e plataformas de negociação oferecem vários benefícios sobre os outros. Os aplicativos e recursos oferecidos por diferentes plataformas formam seus benefícios, bem como desvantagens. Enquanto o usuário deve ser capaz de personalizar e acessar mais e mais informações possíveis, há uma limitação a este tecnicismo desde que o usuário não deve ser bombardeado com informações inúteis ea plataforma de negociação deve ser capaz de executar as funções mais complicadas com facilidade. Enquanto algumas plataformas podem ser bastante poderoso e útil para a negociação, eles também precisam ter uma interface amigável para que os novatos também são ajudados em seu processo de negociação em vez de apenas focar apenas os comerciantes profissionais. Downloadable Tools Esta é uma boa maneira de comércio Forex, sem o atraso de http-requests. Você começa cada carrapato através de um gateway rápido. Também há a oppotunity para trocar automaticamente. Esta é a plataforma mais conhecida para o comércio de Forex. Mas não só Forex trading é possível, você pode negociar através de CFDs quase todas as ações ou moeda. Dependendo do seu banco. Forex ferramentas Pode haver uma série de ferramentas que os comerciantes usam online para forex trading. Embora existam certas ferramentas que são muito boas e eficazes tanto para obter o conhecimento e gráficos para a negociação junto com as plataformas para realizar opções de negociação e ver os rácios atuais. Existem diferentes benefícios de ferramentas e vários fóruns dedicados a testar ferramentas como pro com a crescente concorrência estão presentes em que os comerciantes especializados, juntamente com outras pessoas podem expressar suas opiniões para a eficácia destas ferramentas e quanto eles são confiáveis. Há muitas ferramentas, como a calculadora de lucro, calculadora de dólares pip USD etc Educação Forex: Livros Vídeos Aprendizagem é bastante importante antes de você escolher fazer qualquer coisa e onde o dinheiro arriscado e tempo está envolvido, como no forex, então você tem que aprender um Lote e estar preparado para a chance quando você tomá-lo. Existem diferentes tutoriais para diferentes pessoas, como o básico de forex, aprender o que são pips e aspas, o conhecimento das moedas de um comerciante quer comércio também é muito importante e decisivo que pode ser aprendido através de tutoriais. Existem livros bastante eficientes e vídeos tutorial on-line disponíveis no site que pode ajudá-lo a se tornar um profissional de nível profissional e obter grande no campo de negociação forex há também uma série de tutoriais disponíveis em sites que orientam os comerciantes para fazer o melhor da Ferramentas e software que estão usando para o forex. Em suma, vídeos on-line e tutoriais são o Santo Graal do forex trading e se escolhido corretamente no momento certo, eles podem levá-lo a grandes alturas no mundo do forex. Online Video Tutorials Leverage FX e Forex Trading estão entre os canais do famoso YouTube para fornecer pessoas com vídeos sobre forex e seus conceitos básicos, enquanto Forex Club é um canal constantemente atualizado que são muito poucos em número nos dias de hoje. Os canais constantemente atualizados de grandes empresas ou fóruns são uma visão muito útil em lidar com moedas no mercado diário, às vezes esses canais e seus vídeos são muito úteis para notificar futuras mudanças no mercado. Forex Books Forex tornou-se bastante popular nos últimos anos e isso levou a mais livros relacionados ao forex sendo publicado. Há uma grande quantidade de livros que aconselham as pessoas sobre como se tornar comerciantes bem sucedidos no mundo forex. Alguns destes livros valem o seu tempo e são bons o suficiente para que você possa aprender com eles de uma forma eficiente, mas outros não são tão eficazes, com tantas opiniões e pessoas dando suas opiniões é uma tarefa impossível para qualquer comerciante a ler Todos os livros famosos e recomendados antes de começar a investir. Existem alguns livros selecionados que são mencionados nas subsecções abaixo que foram recentemente considerados como o melhor no mundo do forex recente. Estes livros funcionam bem e foram revistos positivamente para as pessoas que começam suas carreiras forex. Forex para Iniciantes Forex para Iniciantes é um livro muito útil por Anna Coulling para iniciantes de forex. Este livro fornece um bom conhecimento sobre vários aspectos do mercado cambial e é o terceiro livro bem sucedido pelo autor. Este livro é dito frequentemente para fornecer o conhecimento básico bom para construir-se mais adicional por comerciantes nos mercados do forex. O manual do comerciante de Forex por Zan Kotnik Este livro é um feito bastante impressionante na introdução do mundo forex e seus conceitos básicos para os leitores. Houve um número de revisões favoráveis ​​pelos críticos para o livro e este livro é considerado como completamente uma maneira fácil de começar familiar com a tecnologia e as terminologias do mundo de troca diário. Como iniciar seu próprio serviço de sinal de Forex por Rimantas Petrauskas Este livro é bastante um bom guia para iniciantes para construir sistemas de ganhos automatizados de tal forma que eles podem obter lucros constantes e saídas através deles. Este livro ensina os leitores os segredos por trás fazendo milhares de dólares por mês, mesmo através do simples uso de uma conta demo que é muitas vezes possuído por quase todos os comerciantes no início de sua carreira. A Estratégia de Negociação Forex Bíblia por Michael Fisher Este livro é bastante informativo e sobre os mercados de negociação forex nos próximos dias. Este livro é muitas vezes considerado como impressionante e importante pelos comerciantes no mundo forex para obter orientações, bem como instruções antes de definir em sua jornada nas moedas. Principais revisões de corretores de Forex Com o aumento no volume de mercado de forex, há uma série de sites na internet alegando ser a melhor empresa de corretagem on-line. Não só eles não são verdade na maioria das vezes, as falsas promessas e falsas orientações definidas como uma armadilha por esses sites podem levar você a comprar comentários inúteis e tutoriais. Alguns corretores têm atraso e unmaintained apoio ao usuário mesmo com sua alta taxa, enquanto outros corretores que ofereceu uma conta gratuita e taxas competitivas mínimas de repente começa a disparar a lua com lucros feitos fora margens em seus comércios. Há um número de desvantagens a muitos corretores e às vezes sobre companhias hyped e os corretores impropriamente testados podem começá-lo perder o dinheiro. No mundo de corrida rápida de hoje você certamente não quer acabar no final de qualquer corrida e, portanto, você vai exigir uma boa orientação e percepção dos melhores corretores comprovada no passado recente e ao longo dos anos. Enquanto cada corretor tem certas vantagens, há uma boa quantidade de aspectos ocultos para olhar para fora também. Às vezes taxa extra e outras vezes ineficiência na colocação de ordens pode fazer com que você perca dinheiro rapidamente e é inútil para manter constantemente persistindo em tais corretores apenas para obter o dinheiro que você tinha perdido uma vez. Em vez de tentar em cada corretor, há uma lista de finamente escolhidos a dedo corretores que provaram a sua credibilidade ao longo dos últimos anos e são bons o suficiente para começar com a jornada de negociação no mercado cambial. Esses corretores vêm com características diferentes e oferece para as pessoas e você tem que escolher sabiamente quais são seus objetivos e que corretor você quer escolher, dependendo de seus objetivos e estratégias. Sempre o objetivo de investir quantidades menores no início antes de saltar sobre fazer apostas maiores, como você pode conhecer todas as falhas ocultas na plataforma do corretor ou sua conexão nos estágios iniciais, sem enfrentar muitas perdas em fazê-lo. Easy-Forex Talvez um dos mais fáceis no mercado, a plataforma online easy-forex oferece um grande número de características únicas que beneficiam o comerciante. Os spreads fixos, as paradas garantidas ea proteção contra saldos negativos significam que eles têm o preço mais transparente de praticamente qualquer outro corretor. Eles também são o único corretor a oferecer esses recursos centrados no comerciante na plataforma MT4. Eles são um grande corretor para começar, pois oferecem uma ampla gama de ferramentas e vídeos educacionais e gerentes de relacionamento pessoal para suporte e treinamento. Com um depósito mínimo de 25, os comerciantes podem começar a negociar mais de 300 mercados imediatamente incluindo moedas, commodities, índices e opções. Os comerciantes também podem acompanhar o status de suas retiradas on-line em sua conta. Operando em mais de 160 países em todo o mundo, a empresa existe desde 2003 e é licenciada pela CySEC e ASIC dando aos clientes um alto grau de confiança e segurança. Certifique-se de verificar as promoções que eles oferecem. GFT Mercados Global Futures Exchange e Trading Company Inc. foi fundada no ano de 1998. Esta empresa tem três escritórios nos Estados Unidos e está registrado e aprovado por várias autoridades governamentais. Esta é uma das maiores empresas de corretagem independentes e fornece aos comerciantes, bem como os investidores com oportunidades e opções saudáveis ​​para o futuro no mundo Forex. Enquanto de vez em quando com o volume de clientes que lidam há uma queixa de atraso ou misjudgment, mas a maioria das outras vezes este corretor fornece aos usuários com meios eficientes de negociação e é um corretor de confiança para negociação Forex. IFC Markets IFC Markets é um produto do Grupo IFCM. Eles oferecem duas plataformas, nomeadamente NetTradeX e Metareader4 e provar com a opção de dois tipos de conta para ambas as plataformas. Depósitos mínimos variam de conta para conta e pode variar entre 1 e 300. Como a maioria dos corretores, a IFC não cobrar quaisquer comissões, mas ganhar dinheiro através de spreads. Eles fornecem o atendimento ao cliente habitual 24 horas e são certificados por organizações governamentais. O único aspecto negativo dos mercados IFC é o design do site que sofre de navegação problemática e locais de informações confusas. Alvexo Alvexo é um corretor de forex global cuja plataforma de negociação é de propriedade da VPR Safe Financial Group com sede em Chipre. Sua plataforma MetaTrader 4 é a mais popular entre os comerciantes de câmbio porque contém um amplo espectro de ferramentas e serviços. Eles também têm web e plataformas de negociação móvel. O primeiro depósito mínimo é de 500 para uma conta clássica. Seus spreads são altamente competitivos e seus titulares de conta privilegiada desfrutar os mais baratos. Eles oferecem serviço ao cliente 24 horas por dia e cumprir todas as regras e regulamentos. FxPro Group FxPro é um dos maiores corretores de forex e é confiável por milhares de comerciantes em todo o trabalho. Eles cobram um depósito mínimo de 500 e uma alavancagem máxima de 500: 1. Ele usa plataformas como MT4, FxPro, Super comerciante e MT5cTrader e é compatível com Windows, web, Android e iOS. Embora eles não oferecem qualquer bônus neste momento eles têm a mais ampla gama de serviços disponíveis para seus clientes. TradeStation Para os corretores de forex altamente avançados que se preocupam com a reunião dessas metas mensais e são experientes sobre o tempo de negociação de forma eficiente e eficaz com estar preocupado com seu portfólio também. A taxa cobrada na plataforma é bastante elevado se os critérios mensais não são atendidas pelos comerciantes que é bastante irritante. Com alguns fatores a serem melhorados nesta plataforma global provou ser bom e bastante eficiente, assim, ganhar popularidade rapidamente entre os comerciantes. FXCM Este é o corretor de forex maior com base em Nova York e é um nome confiável dentro da indústria de forex. Ele usa uma variedade de plataformas diferentes que abrangem diferentes sistemas operacionais. Eles têm uma propagação flutuante e são conhecidos por sua rigidez. Uma conta com FXCM pode ser iniciado com apenas 50. Uma limitação com este corretor é que eles operam no mercado forex dos EUA só assim você vai exigir outro corretor para outros mercados. AvaTrade Preenchido com ferramentas de auto-negociação e pacote de software para os clientes a plataforma Avatrade é uma maneira única e útil para os comerciantes para lidar on-line no mercado forex. Esta empresa é uma subsidiária da Ava Financial Ltd. E vem com um software para os usuários. O software fornecido pelo corretor é baseado no altamente recomendado MetaTrader 4 e é genuíno e seguro. Com um depósito mínimo de 100 e um rácio de alavancagem de 400: 1 simples investidores podem sorrir sobre grandes lucros em nenhum momento, mas deve sempre ser mantido em mente que quanto maior a alavancagem maior é a responsabilidade que se segue. Carregado com segurança e garantia para os investidores para a negociação em grandes volumes de dinheiro Avatrade centra-se certamente sobre a segurança dos clientes, que é uma coisa boa. A empresa também oferece suporte para os iniciantes para que eles entendam o que eles estão investindo seu dinheiro dentro Instaforex É nomeado pelos usuários como um dos corretores mais favorecidos e eficientes disponíveis no mercado a partir de presente. Esta plataforma fornece bons spreads e os negócios são executados em um nível muito melhor do que as outras plataformas médias. Sua plataforma é muitas vezes considerado como user friendly e sua execução instantânea de ordens ajuda na manutenção de seu perfil profissional que mantém atrair mais comerciantes para sua plataforma. Cheio de análise de alto nível para os comerciantes e ofertas e vantagens para beneficiar os investidores este corretor tem sido muitas vezes considerado altamente eficiente no mundo forex. Há uma série de prêmios e certificações para InstantForex que é apenas um fator de adição para a segurança dos investidores eo grande número de usuários da plataforma também formam um apelo bastante para aumentar a credibilidade da plataforma. Os comerciantes forex e os investidores podem simplesmente confiar nesta plataforma, embora eles sempre têm de manter uma vigia para os riscos que possam estar envolvidos em todos os momentos. XGLOBAL Mercados Favorecido por um número de corretores no mercado forex, esta plataforma tem crescido para pegar o centro das atenções nos últimos anos. Esta plataforma é conhecida por fornecer retiradas rápidas para o seu lucro na negociação, a plataforma também é respeitada por sua velocidade relâmpago de processamento de colocação e fechamento de ordens dadas pelos comerciantes a conta a todos os clientes dada majorly é um ea ausência de swaps ou Comissões torna a experiência ainda tentador para os comerciantes. Os spreads oferecidos por esta plataforma são mais competitivos na natureza e comissões ou taxas ocultas não são de repente imposta ou declarada sobre os comerciantes. Não há limite sobre o montante mínimo de depósito ea plataforma congratula-se com todas as estratégias de negociação, incluindo os principais consultores especializados no mercado que a maioria dos comerciantes costumam usar e confiar para a coleta de informações e determinar as suas negociações futuras. Oanda Ao ser estabelecido na década de 1990 e ser nomeado como um dos maiores e influentes corretores forex este site tem muito mais nada para provar o seu nome. This website is also quite famous amongst the traders for its innovative practices as well as open and transparent pricing without differentiating between traders. This trading platform comes with powerful sources with are easy to use along with support at all times through expert advisors. Among some problems named by the people the unavailability of Expert Advisors on their MT4 platform along with an improvement in the charts are the minor concerns regarding the website but other than that this website runs smoothly and can help beginners as well as experienced people in their forex careers very easily. Famous Forex websites There are a variety of forex websites which deal with providing the facilities of trading to forex investors. While some traders get on the better side of these websites some are often found blaming them for their bad decisions or losses. In the below given section the websites listed often help the traders to gain profits from the forex markets with ease. Forexworld (forexworld. au) With efficient trading facilities, this company is proving to be wonderful for traders in the current scenario. As they are equipped with fast and reliable customer services and they deliver their services on time which help the traders to a great extent. The customer support is the most important aspect for traders in the beginning of the trading world and a robust support is the only way to ensure their safety at all times. Forexpros (investing ) This website is quite brilliant in its own way as it serves different functions such as providing charts, analysis, financial tools, and technical data along with many more beneficial things to the traders. The traders can rely on this website as it has been ranked quite well by the critics in the recent times and the growing popularity of forex with internet available every time on the smartphones, this website has grown more reliable and trustable. Forex factory (forexfactory ) People who have been a member of the Forex Factory over the past years recommend it to all the other traders at all the stages in their forex careers. This website has a good number of subtopics relating to the information regarding the manual and automated systems used for trading successfully by the traders. There is a commercial section present in the website where different vendors can post to get feedback and beginner level traders can find expert and successful traders to help them. Investopia (investopedia ) With different levels of support according to the trading help required by different individuals this website is quite reliable and helping in terms of forex investing in the modern day. This website is quite recommended due to its rich customer focus providing them with regular and updated articles, tutorials, advice and a simulator which can be used for trading off the market for practice at any time. With good amount of information available to the users this website is often regarded as one of the most helpful sources for beginners as well as the forex traders in order to excel. The showing of too many ads on the website has been concerned by a few of the users but other than that the content of the website as well as its helpfulness for beginners has been emphasized by different users and experts as well over the time. Forex Notícias e Análise Forex em tempo real oferece uma visão sobre os métodos principais de analisar os mercados de Forex. Todas as notícias Forex e análise é atualizada em um mínimo, em uma base diária. No entanto, algumas ferramentas são atualizadas com freqüência muito maior. Este site consiste em Forex notícias, análise fundamental, análise técnica, previsões técnicas e ferramentas FX. Tanto as abordagens técnicas quanto as fundamentais podem ser consideradas de forma independente e exclusiva, mas é cada vez mais evidente que as decisões de atuar no mercado devem ser um equilíbrio cuidadoso de ambas as abordagens e, naturalmente, manter em perspectiva o prazo do esperado Duração do investimento. Fundamental Analysis and News China s GDP shows stability - Aussie rallies GBP support continues after BoE inaction By Realtime Forex Team Latest Forex News 2 days ago China s GDP shows stability - Aussie rallies GBP support continues after BoE inaction 3 days ago Cable extends gains as markets await BoE 4 days ago Yen approaching pre-Brexit levels GBP takes a breather 5 days ago Pound rallies as Theresa May set for 10 Downing Street 6 days ago Upbeat US Jobs number lifts sentiment in Japan Abe sees electoral victory Upcoming Economical Events Forex Trading Software Reviews Read XTrade Review Want to be featured on this broker list Send an email to brokers forexfraud Broker offers variable spreads which are subject to fluctuating market conditions. Spreads tend to be tight during times of deep liquidity but can also widen significantly during times of low liquidity. Finding the Best Forex Trading Software - FAQ Forex trading software intended for the personal forex trader comprises a rapidly-growing segment of the forex industry. A number of different types of forex trading software have found their way into widespread usage among personal forex traders. Common forex trading software types include: Trading Platforms - allow for the manual management and execution of forex trades. Technical Analysis Software - provides charts of historical exchange rates and technical indicators. Trading Signal Generators - provide recommended levels at which forex traders can initiate and close out positions and Automated Forex Trading Software or Forex Robots - execute trades automatically based on a pre-programmed trading algorithm. How do you go about finding the best forex trading software Well, perhaps the best idea would be to download a few representative programs and try them out within their return period to see what works best for your needs. If the software does not suit your purposes well, then submit a refund request. Another way to do some advance research on forex trading software would involve reading online product reviews and discussion forum postings from users of the software. To assist you further in the process of finding the best forex trading software, the FAQ terms defined below provide a useful list of items that you can take into consideration when shopping for forex trading software online. Forex Trading Platforms In general, forex trading platforms offer their users the ability to manually enter and execute forex trades with an online forex broker. They generally require a reliable Internet connection to operate efficiently, and if they require a software download, they usually run on Windows-based computers. More advanced trading platform features might include: the ability to manage multiple trading accounts, charting functionality, and algorithmic trading support with back-testing capabilities. Forex Charting Software (Technical analysis software) Forex charting software can encompass a variety of computer programs that facilitate the review of foreign exchange rates using technical analysis methods. The more basic programs of this type will usually allow you to plot the progress of exchange rates over time for several time periods, to overlay some of the more popular technical indicators like RSIs and Moving Averages, and to draw trend lines. More sophisticated charting software generally offers some support for traders using Elliot Wave Theory to analyze exchange rate movements that would include calculating Fibonacci retracement and projection levels. Additional advanced forex charting software features might include: more advanced line-drawing options that include channels and Gann lines, computing and displaying Pivot Points, as well as providing a wider range of increasingly-complex technical indicators. An even higher level of charting software often includes some form of pattern-matching algorithm that identifies forming chart patterns, along with their trigger points and measured move objectives. Other software based on Elliott Wave Theory might count wave progressions. Forex Signal Generating Software Forex signal generating software or forex signal generators generally do not trade automatically for a user. Instead, they provide levels at which a trader can enter the market and usually have a means by which to alert the trader to such opportunities. Such signal generators also usually provide suggested stop-loss and take-profit levels so that the trader can appropriately try to manage any losses or gains on any positions they take based on the signals generated by the software. Please note that there is no guarantee that a stop order is filled at the stop price and the same caution applies to these products as the robots. Automated or Algorithmic Trading Software Automated trading software operates according to a pre-defined trade plan or algorithm without the need for manual intervention. They also sometimes go by the name of Expert Advisors or EAs and often run as such on the popular MetaTrader4 trading platform. The so-called forex trading robots available on the commercial forex market generally fall into this category, as do personalized trade plans that traders program or have programmed themselves. Often, this automation helps traders by taking the emotional and discretionary component out of trading a particular system, and once set up, they can also help a trader save considerable time. Furthermore, these systems can sometimes offer assistance to beginning traders who wish to learn how to trade like experts. Forex Trading Robots Forex trading robots make up one of the main types of automated trading software currently available to personal forex traders. Most of them install quickly and run as Expert Advisors on the popular MetaTrader 4 trading platform. Many of these robots are scams and even if they are not, they don t live up to the promises they make in the sales pitch. In general, stay away from this type of forex products, but if you do consider using one, be very careful and do not trust the historical performance. Other things to watch out for with forex trading robots is that their vendors often provide profitability numbers based on back-tested trading results over periods for which the robots are optimized to perform well. This means that future trading results might differ substantially, and usually do. It therefore pays to test such robots in a demo account before setting them trading on live funds. Also, seek out unbiased Internet reviews and check online discussion forums for user comments about any forex trading robot software you might be considering buying. Furthermore, since most of these forex software products sell via Clickbank, you will usually have 60 days to return them for your money back if you are dissatisfied with their performance. Be sure to have done your testing by then in case you need to take advantage of this offer. In other words, be really careful and do your research - most of these products are not what they say they are In the list below you ll find our reviews of some softwares on the market, read them and give your own review if you have experience from them Different features to look out for in these softwares Purchase and Refund Policy Most forex trading software available for sale and download online comes with a satisfaction guarantee. While terms of such guarantees do vary and should be checked before purchase, this usually means that you just need to contact the vendor or sales agent to request a refund if dissatisfied for any reason. Many forex trading software products sell online via Clickbank which generally offers a standardized 60-day money-back guarantee for software sold via its secure online interface. Nevertheless, requesting too many refunds can get you into trouble with them, so keep that in mind when shopping. Downloads Just about all forex trading software intended for use by personal forex traders will provide a download option. Sometimes you can purchase CDs containing the software or have it sent via an e-mail attachment, but most often a download link will be provided once you pay for or give the required information necessary for the forex trading software provider to permit you to download the software. Clicking on this link will usually start the transfer of a working version of the software from the Internet down to your personal computer. This download process can take anywhere from a few seconds up to an hour, depending on the size of the program and the speed of your Internet connection. You will also want to scan any downloaded software for viruses using your anti-virus software, and you may need to activate it in some way. Just follow the provided directions, and contact customer support if problems arise. Also, most forex trading software is written to run on personal computers running a relatively recent version of Windows. You will want to keep that in mind when looking around for forex trading software in case you do not have a compatible operating system or emulator available on your computer. If you do not have the ability to run Windows-based software, then be sure to check with the software product vendor to make sure your operating system is supported and how. Software Updates Many of the higher-end forex trading software products will provide free updates to the software for life or for a specified time. These updates can be important because they might correct existing problems or provide new and useful functionality. Having software updates included in the cost of software can therefore be a valuable feature. Most software updates are either installed automatically by the software or require a new version of the software to be downloaded from the Internet and manually installed on your computer. Online or Web-Based Platforms Online or web-based trading platforms remove the download time factor and possible installation frustration out of running forex trading software. To use most online platforms, you just need to log in using a username and a password you have chosen to maintain your information s privacy. The main advantage of this type of trading platform is that you can generally use it anywhere you can get access to an Internet connection and compatible Web browser. They also permits use by operating systems other than Windows, which can really help Apple Mac OS and Linux users get started trading forex. Client-Side Platforms In general, client-side platforms consist of those forex trading platform products which require that the software be downloaded onto the trader s personal computer or onto a remote server that the trader then pays a fee to use space on and access. This term is often used to contrast such downloaded platform installations with web-based forex trading platforms. Data Security When you need to access or provide personal and private information over the Internet, such as credit card numbers, bank account data and trading account information, the security of your data from unwanted prying eyes who might misuse it becomes paramount. In addition, if you store key data online, you will want that information to be is backed up regularly by the host. Make sure that your forex trading software, especially if web-based, and your forex broker use appropriate data security measures to protect your data. These might include operating duplicate data farms and using SSL-encryption technology to protect any personal data entered into online forms. Real Time Exchange Rates The best forex trading software displays colse to real-time exchange rates that change along with the market as it ticks up and down over time. Naturally, the best type of real time exchange rate is one you can deal on. This way, when you go to enter a trade or an order using your forex trading platform software, you do not get surprised about where the market really is trading. Remote Servers Remote servers provide a useful service for those running downloaded or client-side forex trading platforms. This is especially the case when they require around-the-clock market-monitoring and execution capabilities, which can be essential for running an automated forex robot or trading algorithm profitably. Most remote servers charge a fee for both hosting the forex trading software in its storage space and for allowing the software to use its always-on Internet connection to execute trades through. Such services usually offer a very high degree of reliability in terms of providing 24/7 Internet access to software installed on their servers. Trading Interface The trading interface is what the user of the forex trading software interacts with in order to execute forex trades. Such an interface needs to be both ergonomic and generally acceptable for your purposes. Most trading interfaces can be customized, but to what extent generally depends on the software. Adjusting window placement and display colors are common trading interface changes that most platforms permit. Technical Indicators Many forex trading platforms provide a built-in charting capability with the most common technical indicators. One or more of these indicators are used by technical analysts when determining how to trade the forex market, and also in generating objective trading signals. If you need to use a particular technical indicator for your trading strategy, make sure that any platform under consideration includes this indicator. Customer Service and Support Once you purchase or decided to use a particular forex trading software package, you will want to make sure that it provides a suitable level of customer service and support just in case problems arise in its use. This becomes especially important for beginners who do not know how to use computers well or how to trade forex, or both. Naturally, if a software package is provided free of charge, you might reasonably expect that less customer support will be offered. Also, you will probably want a greater degree of support to be available for essential software like your trading platform. User Manuals Most forex trading software packages come with an explanatory Users Manual often in the form of a separate PDF document or incorporated into a help function within the software itself. This manual should provide you with all the information you need to get started using the software, as well as how to use all of its more advanced features. The manual should also provide troubleshooting information, as well as who to contact in case additional support is required. Instructional Videos Forex trading software packages increasingly come with helpful instructional videos that can be downloaded or played using your Internet browser. These videos usually contain screen shots of the software being used along with any audio or text necessary to describe how the software should be used and for what purposes. News Feeds Forex trading platforms often provide access to high-quality news feeds from professional forex market information sources that might include Reuters, Associated Press, Bloomberg or Telerate. Check to see that the news your trading platform provides is suitable for your needs, especially if you have a strong interest in trading based on fundamental factors. Now we want you to contribute with your experiences from forex softwares, give us your reviews or ask us to review a software that you miss in the above list. Give your comment below Welcome to FOREX trading YOUR NO 1 RESSOURCE FOR COMPARING THE BIGGEST FX BROKER WORLDWIDE There are hundrets of FOREX broker out there. But only some are reliable enought to get in our comparion table. Why should you give your money to other banks than the best Or do you love the risk to lose your funds What is Forex trading Forex, also known as currency market or FX is the short form of the foreign exchange market. This market is decentralized globally to facilitate the trade between different currencies. If measured by volume of net trading activity, it is the biggest marketplace in the entire world. Large international banks are the major participants of this market. The trading activity takes place on weekdays with various financial centers globally which act as anchors of allow trading among multiple sellers and buyers. The relative rates of various currencies are determined by the market for foreign exchange. Is Forex trading an investment Even it is not the classic way to invest in, Forex treding is one of the profitablest ways to invest money. Start learning today Forex trading investment Although Forex trading is very different from other passive types of investments like real estate, mutual funds or bonds but it is a very popular form of investment for a huge number of people worldwide. There are a number of factors which an investor must consider before deciding upon a type of investment which is most likely to result in the largest returns. One such factor that can make or break a deal for a potential investor is the liquidity of assets granted by the given investment. Liquidity is a very important aspect for any person who wants to be actively involved to exploit all possible opportunities which include short term investment opportunities. It is a well-known fact that no other market can compete with forex when it comes to liquidity as there are transactions upwards of 3 Trillion USD occurring every day. Forex allows for a great deal of flexibility and freedom to the investor as they are able to make a profit in both directions of the value of the security on which the transactions are based. Another argument in favor of Forex as an investment is the ease of access and control that is unrivalled by any other form of investment. Investors have the ability to examine and operate their Forex investments from any country on the globe through the internet. The smartphone and smart-device revolution has allowed the trading to go app-based so that the users can indulge in trading using the phone in the palm of their hand. Can I get a millionaire by forex trading Do you wonder, if there is a way to get a millionaire by trading with forex The short answer: yes, that could happen. Get Forex millionaire Once you understand the basics and get in tune with the optimal strategies, Forex can become one of the most profitable methods of earning money. Due to the global penetration, there are numerous opportunities and a huge scope for big profit margins which has enabled countless people to become millionaires by trading in the forex market. By clearly defining your investment strategy and dealing only with selected currency pairs that are within your knowledge base, you can easily start a successful investment career in Forex trading and be on your way to become a millionaire. To realize the million dollar dream, it is important for you as an investor to always stick to your well formulated trading plan and minimize risk levels as far as possible. It is of paramount importance to have in-depth knowledge of the forex market and its inner workings. It is important to realize that this is a business like any other and requires hard work, patience and dedication to grow and prosper. By making the right decisions and managing your emotions properly, you can start making a respectable amount of money on a regular basis. It is inevitable that you will have to face failure and losses a sometimes, but it is necessary to learn from those mistakes and keep trying until you succeed. The world of Forex trading is full of outstanding people who are well known all over the world for the success and overwhelming results that they have achieved. Forex trading for beginners Being a beginner in the forex market can be a very scary experience due to the complexity and fast paced nature of currency fluctuations and market changes. Therefore it is necessary for a beginner to be familiar with all terminologies and trade strategies to avoid high risk trades and the losses associated with them. Market hours for forex Forex market is operational nearly around the clock. But can you trade on saturday or sunday This questions is asked by many newbies, so here is the answer. Forex market hours Market hours are defined as the time throughout which traders can buy, sell and exchange currencies. The forex marketplace is operational round the clock, from Monday to Friday. The market remains closed on weekdays so trading on Saturdays and Sundays is not possible. The market functions internationally and is comprised of banks, hedge funds, commercial companies, investors and retail forex brokers which operate in multiple time-zones. Due to its international nature and various time-zones involved, the market is accessible at almost any given time. As forex is not dominated by any single market but is composed of a global network, its market hours are the sum of operational hours in each participating country. The highest volume of trading activity takes place when the market times in these countries overlap. 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM EST Forex currency exchange rates The exchange rate for a particular currency is defined as the amount/value of foreign currency that can be purchased with that currency. In other words, it is the rate at which the given currency can be exchange for some other currency. The exchange rates operate in a free-floating regime and the value currencies can vary relative to each other based on the supply and demand characteristics of the market. Due to this, the exchange rates for all currencies change constantly and are dependent on a huge number of factors and conditions which may be economic, social, political or even psychological in nature. As a forex trader, you can make money by utilizing this fluctuation in currency exchange rates in your favor. Traders buy a currency when its relative value is low in the exchange market and sell it off when the value increases. The difference in the buying and selling price of the currency results in profits for the trader. By carefully studying the market trends based on statistical data and past experiences, a fair prediction can be made about the value change of a particular currency over time and you can use this knowledge to place well informed and educated bets on a particular currency to make profits. Careful formulation of trading strategies and following expert advice can help you to start making profits in the forex market in no time. Often traded combinations You can trade every currency pair you like. But some oft the Forex combinations are traded very heavy. In this market you will find buyers in millisecounds. Most traded Forex combinations Although traders have the ability to trade in a large number of global currencies, some currency pairs are traded in the highest volume. We will have a look at some of the most traded currency pairs and examine the reason for their widespread popularity. EUR/USD (Euro/ US Dollars) This is the most popular currency pair worldwide due to economic superiority and stability of the US and European economies. It accounts for one third of all deals made in the forex market. USD/JPY (US Dollars/ Japanese Yen) This is the second most traded currency pair and has been highly sensitive to political sentiments and policies between the United States of America and far eastern countries like Japan. GBP/USD (Great Britain Pound/ US Dollars) Again, due to the economic strength of the US and Great Britain, this pair is quite popular. USD/CAD (US Dollars/Canadian Dollars) Although it is fourth on this list, is favored due to the stability of these two currencies and positive relationships between the two nations. USD/CHF (US Dollars/Swill Franc) The Swiss franc is considered one of the safest currencies and its pairing with the US dollar results in its popularity. AUD/USD (Australian Dollar/United States Dollar) Both currencies are relatively stable and backed up by major world powers. Economic calendar Waht is happening today or tomorrow in major national economics The knowlege about getting new data about what could happen in market is worth money Forex economic calendar To ensure a fair degree of success in forex trading, it is necessary to predict the market movement and act on this information in a timely fashion. Although there is a high degree of unpredictable fluctuation in the market, expert and highly experienced traders continuously analyses various economic events to predict currency movements and market shifts. Using an economic calendar is one of the easiest way to keep up with the various changes in the market and make low-risk bets which have a high change of positive economic return. You can create your own economic calendar my manually maintaining a list of the major indicators and updating them regularly through online search. You can even use online calendars which are provided by various financial institutions and brokers who update the information automatically for you to analyses and use. Forex signals Forex signals are necessary for good trades. This signals are needed by nearly everybody, who is trading in this market. There are some good alert services. Forex trading strategies There are a number of tricks and strategies used by people in order to try to succeed in the field of forex. While forex trading is something which can t be learnt by heart or be completely safe but there are trading strategies which have been developed and tested over years by experts to become successful depending upon different factors such as the technical usage of charts, numbers and relying to understanding the market as per the events presently. While some of the strategies are quite famous and are used widely others are used only by a small number of traders, the strategies can vary in their complexity depending on the levels of steps and their application. A strategy is always important for you to be successful in your forex endeavors. Why strategy is important and how it affects traders in the world of forex is further discussed in the sub sections. A well planned strategy with good guidance is all you need to turn around your future and a badly planned strategy can also have equal devastating effects. Trading strategies makes winners Many beginner start forex trading without any idea of a strategie. This is a neck breaking technique and will make you lose money on long term. Strategies are like air you breathe Which news have an impact on the exchange rates And which way do they go, when they come out This is the question of news dates based Forex traders. Read more about it. Political based strategies WAR What is it good for Absolutely NOTHING. - Edwin Star did not know, that trading on political statements could be a win for SHORT traders. But: not everybody wants to trade events like this. Political based Forex trading Different political statements across the world can impact the forex trading market. While some amateur users are completely dependent on economic charts and news for making decisions and on the other hand the experienced forex traders look out for the political statements and adjust their trades accordingly to the impact. Traders can follow market analysis along with economic calendars and entail the use of news and political trends to determine any shifts in the market and be on the better winning side. Various important announcements such as relating to wars, politics of a country or news relating directly to the currency can change and influence the value of currencies depending on the impact of the decision on public or the nation as a whole and the related currency pairing. With keeping updated constantly and following the right sources for analysis and economic calendars you can make early and beneficiary decisions as early as possible for best gain. Economical based strategies What is the output of an economy And how will it change compared to other countries A middle or long term change in competitiveness of a country can be tradet like a company share. Economical based Forex trading There can be different aspects of trading and in forex trading people can choose to buy the currency of a country for a period of time after which it will be bought back at rates higher than the original. This can be simply considered as lending of money and comes through repurchase agreements known as repo. The lender of the money is the buyer of a repo and the seller is the borrower of money. In earlier days the amount of gold available with a country stated the creditworthiness of the country and more and more countries kept hoarding gold in order to increase their monetary value but now that has changed and the structure and functioning of any country s central bank can be used to determine the future for its currency to a certain extent. If the central bank is strong and not driven by debts then the currency is likely to proceed if the country is backed by resources for income. This is a combination of some more Forex tactics. The basic is to find some indicators in real economics, to try to explain what in future happens. Is a country underrated Fundamental Forex Analysis trading Fundamental analysis is a combination of two words which mean studying the economic position and credit worthiness of countries so that traders can get help in trading currencies efficiently. Fundamental analysis is quite often used in the forex trading markets by different traders using various technologies to benefit them in several ways. The fundamental analysis basically is measuring the impact of political as well as economical decisions taken by the country and the impact of those decisions on the currency in which you are trading. The figures and statements given by politicians as well as economists in their speeches or declarations to the public are quite important as it can easily determine the impact on the currency and the forex market. Traders have strategies for such economic announcements esp. by U. S. prior to their declaration and be prepared for the impact. Forex Technology There are a number of forex trading technologies, while some of these trading technologies provided by major companies such as FOREXTrader Pro which is a platform developed according to forex traders with quality functions which can be performed easily along with giving high performance. FOREXTrader PRO is available on desktop for desktops as well as smartphones for both Apple as well as Android versions. MetaTrader 4 is another trading platform which traders use quite often due to its transparency and other features while there are other platforms also available depending on the regions such as GTX Forex ECN which is a good platform for professional forex traders. While most of the trading websites offer these trading platforms and technologies which users can use for trading, people can also choose to buy these software s for themselves and built trading platforms for themselves or other clients. You can either choose to be an online trader at the websites in case you have lesser amount of money to begin with or be a broker in case you have ample amount of savings. Online trading platforms Nearly every Forex trading bank provides an online platform to trade Forex currencies. It is the easiest way to start with trading. But for scalping it is not the best way. Online Forex trading platforms Online trading platforms are provided by a number of websites, they can either provide the traders with plug ins and software for installation which will become active on being connected to the internet while in other trading platforms it is relatively different as all the trading charts and platforms operate from the servers of the website. Different websites and trading platforms offer various benefits over the others. The applications and features offered by different platforms form their benefits as well as disadvantages. While the user must be able to customize and access more and more information possible there is a limitation to this technicality since the user should not be bombarded with useless information and the trading platform should be able to perform the trickiest functions with ease. While some platforms might be quite powerful and useful for trading they also need to have a friendly interface so that beginners are also helped in their trading process instead of just focusing on the professional traders only. Downloadable Tools This is a good way to trade Forex, without the delay of http-requests. You get every tick through a fast gateway. Also there is the oppotunity to trade automatically. This is the best known platform for Forex trading. But not only Forex trading is possible, you can trade via CFDs nearly every stock or currency. Depending of your bank. Forex tools There can be a number of tools which traders use online for forex trading. While there are certain tools which are quite good and effective both for getting the knowledge and graphics for the trading along with the platforms to perform trading options and see the current ratios. There are different benefits of tools and various forums dedicated to testing tools such as pro with the growing competition are present on which expert traders along with other people can voice their opinions for the effectiveness of these tools and how much they are dependable. There are many tools such as the profit calculator, pip USD value calculator etc. Forex education: Books Videos Learning is quite important before you choose to do anything and where risky money and time is involved such as in forex trading then you have to learn a lot and be prepared for the chance when you take it. There are different tutorials for different people such as the basics of forex, learning what are pips and quotes, the knowledge of the currencies a trader wants to trade is also quite important and decisive which can be learnt through tutorials. There are quite efficient books and online tutorial videos available on website which can help you become a pro level trader and get big in the field of forex trading there are also a number of tutorials available on websites which guide the traders to make the best of the tools and software they are using for forex trading. In short, online videos and tutorials are the holy grail of forex trading and if chosen correctly at the right time, they can get you to great heights in the world of forex. Online Video Tutorials Leverage FX and Forex Trading are among the famous YouTube channels to provide people with videos on forex and its basics while Forex Club is a constantly updated channel which are quite few in number these days. The constantly updated channels of big companies or forums are a very helpful insight in dealing with currencies in the daily market, sometimes these channels and their videos are very helpful in notifying future changes in the market. Forex Books Forex has become quite a lot popular in the past years and this has led to more books related to forex being published. There are a vast amount of books which advise people on how to become successful traders in the forex world. Some of these books are worth your time and are good enough so that you can learn from them in an efficient manner but others are not so effective, with so many opinions and people giving their reviews it is quite an impossible task for any trader to read all the famous and recommended books before beginning to invest. There are a few selected books which are mentioned in the subsections below which have been recently deemed as the best in the recent forex trading world. These books work well and have been reviewed positively for people beginning their forex careers. Forex for Beginners by Anna Coulling Forex for Beginners is quite a helpful book by Anna Coulling for forex trading beginners. This book provides a good knowledge about various aspects of the forex market and is the third successful book by the author. This book is often said to provide good basic knowledge to build upon further by traders in forex markets. The Forex Trader s Handbook by Zan Kotnik This book is a pretty impressive feat at introducing forex world and its basics to the readers. There have been a number of favorable reviews by the critics towards the book and this book is considered as quite an easy way to get familiar with the technology and terminologies of the daily trading world. How to Start Your Own Forex Signal Service by Rimantas Petrauskas This book is quite a good guide for beginners to build automated earning systems such that they can get constant profits and outputs through them. This book teaches the readers the secrets behind making thousands of dollars each month even through the simple use of a demo account which is often possessed by almost every trader at the beginning of their career. The Forex Trading Strategy Bible by Michael Fisher This book is quite informative and about the forex trading markets in the upcoming days. This book is often regarded as impressive and important by the traders in the forex world to get guidelines as well as instructions before they set on their journey in the currencies. Top Forex brokers reviews With increase in the forex market volume there are a number of websites on the internet claiming to be the best online brokerage firm. Not only are they not true most of the times, the fake promises and false guidance set as a trap by these websites can lead you to purchase useless reviews and tutorials. Some brokers have lagging and unmaintained user support even with their high fee while other brokers who offered a free account and minimal competitive rates suddenly starts to shoot the moon with profits made off margins on your trades. There are a number of disadvantages to many brokers and sometimes over hyped firms and improperly tested brokers can get you to lose money. In the quick running world of today you certainly don t want to end up at the end of any race and hence you will require a good guidance and insight in the best proven brokers in the recent past and over the years. While each broker has certain advantages there are a good deal of hidden aspects to look out for also. Sometimes extra fee and other times inefficiency in placing orders can cause you to lose money rapidly and it is of no use to constantly keep lingering on to such brokers just to get the money you had once lost. Instead of trying on every broker, there is a list of finely handpicked brokers who have proven their credibility over the recent years and are good enough to begin with in the journey of trading in the forex market. These brokers come with different features and offers for the people and you have to choose wisely what your goals are and which broker you want to choose depending on your goals and strategies. Always aim to invest smaller amounts in the beginning before jumping on to make larger bets as you can get to know any hidden glitches in the platform of the broker or your connection in the beginning stages only without facing much losses in doing so. Easy-Forex Perhaps one of the easiest on the market, the easy-forex online platform offers a large number of unique features that benefit the trader. Fixed spreads, guaranteed stops and negative balance protection mean they have the most transparent pricing of almost any other broker. They re also the only broker to offer these trader-centric features on the MT4 platform. They re a great broker to start with as they offer a wide range of educational tools and videos, and personal relationship managers for support and training. With a minimum deposit of 25, traders can start trading over 300 markets immediately including currencies, commodities, indices and options. Traders can also track the status of their withdrawals online in their account. Operating in over 160 countries worldwide, the company has been around since 2003 and are licensed by CySEC and ASIC giving clients a high-degree of trust and safety. Be sure to check out the promotions they offer. GFT Markets Global Futures Exchange and Trading Company Inc. was founded in the year 1998. This company has three offices in the United States and is registered and approved by various governmental authorities. This is one of the largest independent brokerage firms and it provides traders as well as investors with opportunities and healthy options for the future in Forex world. While every once in a while with the volume of customers they handle there is a complaint of delay or misjudgment but most of the other times this broker provides users with efficient means of trading and is a trusted broker for Forex trading. IFC Markets IFC Markets is a product of the IFCM Group. They offer two platforms namely NetTradeX and Metareader4 and prove with the option of two account types for both the platforms. Minimum deposits vary from account to account and can range between 1 and 300. Like most brokers, IFC does not levy any commissions but make money through spreads. They provide the usual 24 hour customer service and are certified by government organizations. The only negative aspect of IFC Markets is the website design which suffers from problematic navigation and confusing information locations. Alvexo Alvexo is a global forex broker whose trading platform is owned by VPR Safe Financial Group based in Cyprus. Their MetaTrader 4 platform is the most popular with foreign exchange traders because it contains a wide spectrum of tools and services. They also have web and mobile trading platforms. The minimum first deposit is 500 for a classic account. Their spreads are highly competitive and their prime account holders enjoy the cheapest ones. They offer customer service round the clock and comply with all the rules and regulations. FxPro Group FxPro is one of the biggest forex brokers and is trusted by thousands of traders around the work. They charge a minimum deposit of 500 and a maximum leverage of 500:1. It uses platforms like MT4, FxPro, Super trader and MT5cTrader and is compatible with Windows, web, android and iOS. Although they don t offer any bonuses at this time they have the widest range of services available to their clients. TradeStation For the highly advanced forex brokers who care about meeting those monthly targets and are seasoned over the time trading efficiently and effectively with being concerned about their portfolio as well. The fee charged on the platform is quite high if the monthly criteria are not met by the traders which is quite irritating. With a few factors to be improved on this platform overall proved to be good and quite efficient thus gaining popularity quickly among the traders. FXCM This is the largest forex broker based in New York and is a trusted name within the forex industry. It uses a variety of different platforms which span across different operating systems. They have a floating spread and are known for their tightness. An account with FXCM can be started with only 50. A limitation with this broker is that they operate in the US forex market only so you will require another broker for other markets. AvaTrade Filled with auto-trading tools and software package for the clients the Avatrade platform is a unique and helpful way for traders to deal online in the forex market. This company is a subsidiary of Ava Financial Ltd. And comes with a software for the users. The software provided by the broker is based on highly recommended MetaTrader 4 and is genuine and safe. With a minimum deposit of 100 and a leverage ratio of 400:1 simple investors can smile upon big profits in no time but it should always be kept in mind that the greater the leverage the greater is the responsibility which follows. Loaded with safety and assurance to the investors for trading in huge volumes of money Avatrade focuses certainly on the security of the customers which is a good thing. The company also provides support for the beginners so that they understand what they are investing their money in. Instaforex It is named by the users as one of the most favored and efficient brokers available in the market as of present. This platform provides with good spreads and the trades are executed at a far better level than the other average platforms. Their platform is often regarded as user friendly and their instant execution of orders helps in maintaining their professional profile which keeps attracting more traders to their platform. Filled with top notch analysis for the traders and offers and perks to benefit the investors this broker has often been regarded as highly efficient in the forex world. There are a number of prizes and certifications for InstantForex which is just an adding factor to the security of the investors and the large number of users of the platform also form quite an appeal in increasing the credibility of the platform. The forex traders and investors can simply trust on this platform although they always have to keep a lookout for the risks which might be involved at all times. XGLOBAL Markets Favored by a number of brokers in the forex market this platform has grown to grab the limelight in the recent years. This platform is known to provide quick withdrawals for your profit in the trading, the platform is also respected for its lightning speed processing of placement and closing of orders given by the traders the account to all clients given majorly is one and the absence of swaps or commissions makes the experience even tempting for the traders. The spreads offered by this platform are most competitive in nature and commissions or hidden charges are not suddenly imposed or declared upon the traders. There is no bound on the amount for minimum deposit and the platform welcomes all the strategies for trading including the leading Expert Advisors on the market which most of the traders often use and rely on for gathering information and determining their future trades. Oanda While being established in the 1990 s and being named as one of the biggest and influential forex brokers this website has quite nothing more left to prove its name for. This website is also quite famous amongst the traders for its innovative practices as well as open and transparent pricing without differentiating between traders. This trading platform comes with powerful sources with are easy to use along with support at all times through expert advisors. Among some problems named by the people the unavailability of Expert Advisors on their MT4 platform along with an improvement in the charts are the minor concerns regarding the website but other than that this website runs smoothly and can help beginners as well as experienced people in their forex careers very easily. Famous Forex websites There are a variety of forex websites which deal with providing the facilities of trading to forex investors. While some traders get on the better side of these websites some are often found blaming them for their bad decisions or losses. In the below given section the websites listed often help the traders to gain profits from the forex markets with ease. Forexworld (forexworld. au) With efficient trading facilities, this company is proving to be wonderful for traders in the current scenario. As they are equipped with fast and reliable customer services and they deliver their services on time which help the traders to a great extent. The customer support is the most important aspect for traders in the beginning of the trading world and a robust support is the only way to ensure their safety at all times. Forexpros (investing ) This website is quite brilliant in its own way as it serves different functions such as providing charts, analysis, financial tools, and technical data along with many more beneficial things to the traders. The traders can rely on this website as it has been ranked quite well by the critics in the recent times and the growing popularity of forex with internet available every time on the smartphones, this website has grown more reliable and trustable. Forex factory (forexfactory ) People who have been a member of the Forex Factory over the past years recommend it to all the other traders at all the stages in their forex careers. This website has a good number of subtopics relating to the information regarding the manual and automated systems used for trading successfully by the traders. There is a commercial section present in the website where different vendors can post to get feedback and beginner level traders can find expert and successful traders to help them. Investopia (investopedia ) With different levels of support according to the trading help required by different individuals this website is quite reliable and helping in terms of forex investing in the modern day. This website is quite recommended due to its rich customer focus providing them with regular and updated articles, tutorials, advice and a simulator which can be used for trading off the market for practice at any time. With good amount of information available to the users this website is often regarded as one of the most helpful sources for beginners as well as the forex traders in order to excel. The showing of too many ads on the website has been concerned by a few of the users but other than that the content of the website as well as its helpfulness for beginners has been emphasized by different users and experts as well over the time. O dólar está girando em um desempenho misturado de encontro a seus rivais principais tarde de segunda-feira. O dólar canadense declinou de encontro a suas contrapartes principais em negócios de New York em Monda. (RTTNews) - O dólar canadense declinou de encontro a suas contrapartes principais em negócios de New York em Monda. (RTTNews) - Após o lançamento da Associação Nacional de Realtors 18/08/2016 - 09:56 AM (RTTNews) (RTTNews) - Às 10:00 da manhã ET Julho, a Associação Nacional de Realtors está definido para anunciar o resultado. (RTTNews) - O dólar canadense declinou de encontro à maioria de moedas correntes principais em negociar da manhã de New York. (RTTNews) (RTTNews) - A libra subiu contra os seus principais homólogos na negociação europeia na segunda-feira, depois da quarta-feira. (RTTNews) - Invertendo a direção, a libra subiu contra suas principais contrapartes no início da Europa. (RTTNews) - A rupia indiana enfraqueceu em relação ao dólar norte-americano nos acordos de segunda-feira na segunda-feira. Full Story Forex Trading Software Reviews Read XTrade Review Want to be featured on this broker list Send an email to brokers forexfraud Broker offers variable spreads which are subject to fluctuating market conditions. Spreads tend to be tight during times of deep liquidity but can also widen significantly during times of low liquidity. Finding the Best Forex Trading Software - FAQ Forex trading software intended for the personal forex trader comprises a rapidly-growing segment of the forex industry. A number of different types of forex trading software have found their way into widespread usage among personal forex traders. Common forex trading software types include: Trading Platforms - allow for the manual management and execution of forex trades. Technical Analysis Software - provides charts of historical exchange rates and technical indicators. Trading Signal Generators - provide recommended levels at which forex traders can initiate and close out positions and Automated Forex Trading Software or Forex Robots - execute trades automatically based on a pre-programmed trading algorithm. How do you go about finding the best forex trading software Well, perhaps the best idea would be to download a few representative programs and try them out within their return period to see what works best for your needs. If the software does not suit your purposes well, then submit a refund request. Another way to do some advance research on forex trading software would involve reading online product reviews and discussion forum postings from users of the software. To assist you further in the process of finding the best forex trading software, the FAQ terms defined below provide a useful list of items that you can take into consideration when shopping for forex trading software online. Forex Trading Platforms In general, forex trading platforms offer their users the ability to manually enter and execute forex trades with an online forex broker. They generally require a reliable Internet connection to operate efficiently, and if they require a software download, they usually run on Windows-based computers. More advanced trading platform features might include: the ability to manage multiple trading accounts, charting functionality, and algorithmic trading support with back-testing capabilities. Forex Charting Software (Technical analysis software) Forex charting software can encompass a variety of computer programs that facilitate the review of foreign exchange rates using technical analysis methods. The more basic programs of this type will usually allow you to plot the progress of exchange rates over time for several time periods, to overlay some of the more popular technical indicators like RSIs and Moving Averages, and to draw trend lines. More sophisticated charting software generally offers some support for traders using Elliot Wave Theory to analyze exchange rate movements that would include calculating Fibonacci retracement and projection levels. Additional advanced forex charting software features might include: more advanced line-drawing options that include channels and Gann lines, computing and displaying Pivot Points, as well as providing a wider range of increasingly-complex technical indicators. An even higher level of charting software often includes some form of pattern-matching algorithm that identifies forming chart patterns, along with their trigger points and measured move objectives. Other software based on Elliott Wave Theory might count wave progressions. Forex Signal Generating Software Forex signal generating software or forex signal generators generally do not trade automatically for a user. Instead, they provide levels at which a trader can enter the market and usually have a means by which to alert the trader to such opportunities. Such signal generators also usually provide suggested stop-loss and take-profit levels so that the trader can appropriately try to manage any losses or gains on any positions they take based on the signals generated by the software. Please note that there is no guarantee that a stop order is filled at the stop price and the same caution applies to these products as the robots. Automated or Algorithmic Trading Software Automated trading software operates according to a pre-defined trade plan or algorithm without the need for manual intervention. They also sometimes go by the name of Expert Advisors or EAs and often run as such on the popular MetaTrader4 trading platform. The so-called forex trading robots available on the commercial forex market generally fall into this category, as do personalized trade plans that traders program or have programmed themselves. Often, this automation helps traders by taking the emotional and discretionary component out of trading a particular system, and once set up, they can also help a trader save considerable time. Furthermore, these systems can sometimes offer assistance to beginning traders who wish to learn how to trade like experts. Forex Trading Robots Forex trading robots make up one of the main types of automated trading software currently available to personal forex traders. Most of them install quickly and run as Expert Advisors on the popular MetaTrader 4 trading platform. Many of these robots are scams and even if they are not, they don t live up to the promises they make in the sales pitch. In general, stay away from this type of forex products, but if you do consider using one, be very careful and do not trust the historical performance. Other things to watch out for with forex trading robots is that their vendors often provide profitability numbers based on back-tested trading results over periods for which the robots are optimized to perform well. This means that future trading results might differ substantially, and usually do. It therefore pays to test such robots in a demo account before setting them trading on live funds. Also, seek out unbiased Internet reviews and check online discussion forums for user comments about any forex trading robot software you might be considering buying. Furthermore, since most of these forex software products sell via Clickbank, you will usually have 60 days to return them for your money back if you are dissatisfied with their performance. Be sure to have done your testing by then in case you need to take advantage of this offer. In other words, be really careful and do your research - most of these products are not what they say they are In the list below you ll find our reviews of some softwares on the market, read them and give your own review if you have experience from them Different features to look out for in these softwares Purchase and Refund Policy Most forex trading software available for sale and download online comes with a satisfaction guarantee. While terms of such guarantees do vary and should be checked before purchase, this usually means that you just need to contact the vendor or sales agent to request a refund if dissatisfied for any reason. Many forex trading software products sell online via Clickbank which generally offers a standardized 60-day money-back guarantee for software sold via its secure online interface. Nevertheless, requesting too many refunds can get you into trouble with them, so keep that in mind when shopping. Downloads Just about all forex trading software intended for use by personal forex traders will provide a download option. Sometimes you can purchase CDs containing the software or have it sent via an e-mail attachment, but most often a download link will be provided once you pay for or give the required information necessary for the forex trading software provider to permit you to download the software. Clicking on this link will usually start the transfer of a working version of the software from the Internet down to your personal computer. This download process can take anywhere from a few seconds up to an hour, depending on the size of the program and the speed of your Internet connection. You will also want to scan any downloaded software for viruses using your anti-virus software, and you may need to activate it in some way. Just follow the provided directions, and contact customer support if problems arise. Also, most forex trading software is written to run on personal computers running a relatively recent version of Windows. You will want to keep that in mind when looking around for forex trading software in case you do not have a compatible operating system or emulator available on your computer. If you do not have the ability to run Windows-based software, then be sure to check with the software product vendor to make sure your operating system is supported and how. Software Updates Many of the higher-end forex trading software products will provide free updates to the software for life or for a specified time. These updates can be important because they might correct existing problems or provide new and useful functionality. Having software updates included in the cost of software can therefore be a valuable feature. Most software updates are either installed automatically by the software or require a new version of the software to be downloaded from the Internet and manually installed on your computer. Online or Web-Based Platforms Online or web-based trading platforms remove the download time factor and possible installation frustration out of running forex trading software. To use most online platforms, you just need to log in using a username and a password you have chosen to maintain your information s privacy. The main advantage of this type of trading platform is that you can generally use it anywhere you can get access to an Internet connection and compatible Web browser. They also permits use by operating systems other than Windows, which can really help Apple Mac OS and Linux users get started trading forex. Client-Side Platforms In general, client-side platforms consist of those forex trading platform products which require that the software be downloaded onto the trader s personal computer or onto a remote server that the trader then pays a fee to use space on and access. This term is often used to contrast such downloaded platform installations with web-based forex trading platforms. Data Security When you need to access or provide personal and private information over the Internet, such as credit card numbers, bank account data and trading account information, the security of your data from unwanted prying eyes who might misuse it becomes paramount. In addition, if you store key data online, you will want that information to be is backed up regularly by the host. Make sure that your forex trading software, especially if web-based, and your forex broker use appropriate data security measures to protect your data. These might include operating duplicate data farms and using SSL-encryption technology to protect any personal data entered into online forms. Real Time Exchange Rates The best forex trading software displays colse to real-time exchange rates that change along with the market as it ticks up and down over time. Naturally, the best type of real time exchange rate is one you can deal on. This way, when you go to enter a trade or an order using your forex trading platform software, you do not get surprised about where the market really is trading. Remote Servers Remote servers provide a useful service for those running downloaded or client-side forex trading platforms. This is especially the case when they require around-the-clock market-monitoring and execution capabilities, which can be essential for running an automated forex robot or trading algorithm profitably. Most remote servers charge a fee for both hosting the forex trading software in its storage space and for allowing the software to use its always-on Internet connection to execute trades through. Such services usually offer a very high degree of reliability in terms of providing 24/7 Internet access to software installed on their servers. Trading Interface The trading interface is what the user of the forex trading software interacts with in order to execute forex trades. Such an interface needs to be both ergonomic and generally acceptable for your purposes. Most trading interfaces can be customized, but to what extent generally depends on the software. Adjusting window placement and display colors are common trading interface changes that most platforms permit. Technical Indicators Many forex trading platforms provide a built-in charting capability with the most common technical indicators. One or more of these indicators are used by technical analysts when determining how to trade the forex market, and also in generating objective trading signals. If you need to use a particular technical indicator for your trading strategy, make sure that any platform under consideration includes this indicator. Customer Service and Support Once you purchase or decided to use a particular forex trading software package, you will want to make sure that it provides a suitable level of customer service and support just in case problems arise in its use. This becomes especially important for beginners who do not know how to use computers well or how to trade forex, or both. Naturally, if a software package is provided free of charge, you might reasonably expect that less customer support will be offered. Also, you will probably want a greater degree of support to be available for essential software like your trading platform. User Manuals Most forex trading software packages come with an explanatory Users Manual often in the form of a separate PDF document or incorporated into a help function within the software itself. This manual should provide you with all the information you need to get started using the software, as well as how to use all of its more advanced features. The manual should also provide troubleshooting information, as well as who to contact in case additional support is required. Instructional Videos Forex trading software packages increasingly come with helpful instructional videos that can be downloaded or played using your Internet browser. These videos usually contain screen shots of the software being used along with any audio or text necessary to describe how the software should be used and for what purposes. News Feeds Forex trading platforms often provide access to high-quality news feeds from professional forex market information sources that might include Reuters, Associated Press, Bloomberg or Telerate. Check to see that the news your trading platform provides is suitable for your needs, especially if you have a strong interest in trading based on fundamental factors. Now we want you to contribute with your experiences from forex softwares, give us your reviews or ask us to review a software that you miss in the above list. Give your comment below

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